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Career counselling

You can walk the career path that will make for a happy and healthy life.

Career counselling, also known as career guidance, is counselling designed to help you choose, change, or leave a career and is available at any stage in life.

Choosing a career or finding a proper job is an important task, but it may also be challenging. It may not be easy to decide what type of job will be the best fit, and since career counselling helps people assess their skills, needs, and aspirations to find a career that works for them, this type of counselling is considered to be an essential step before deciding on a permanent career or when is a person in the career transition phase.

It is a tailor-made approach adapted to persons’ needs. In a career counselling and coaching one-to-one session, the counsellor will help a person explore skills and strengths, their career aspirations, and the state of play on the market.


This could consist of various steps:

  1. Assessment of your skills, aspirations, and market state of play
  2. Exploring career options
  3. Information on the labour market, strategy and channels for effective job search techniques
  4. CV writing
  5. Job interview simulation, coaching and feedback
  6. Network opportunities, including proactive presentation to the targeted companies
  7. Job offers evaluation and negotiation
  8. Support, coaching and counselling throughout the whole process of the career transition or in the phase of choosing a permanent career

What are the Benefits of Career Counselling?

Support and coaching from an experienced coach with 15 years' experience in the labour market and career coaching services.

You will learn about your skills, career direction and the state of play on the labour market.

You will be equipped with the skills to effectively search for a job, successfully conduct an interview with a potential employer, and job offer evaluation and negotiation.